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How HR Can Promote Mental Health at Work
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How HR Can Promote Mental Health at Work

Actionable Advice to Help Your People Thrive

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Looking to Make a Positive Impact on Your Employees’ Mental Health? Here’s What You Can Do

Mental health in the workplace has always been a top concern among many, but now we’re reaching an inflection point. One in five American adults will have a diagnosable mental health condition in any given year (CDC) and 67% of US workers say they’re burned out (Gallup). Fortunately, HR can help.

Learn the Strategies for Success:

  • Embrace Empathetic Leadership
  • Engage Employees - Wherever They Are
  • End the Stigma of Mental Illness
  • Leverage Benefits to Make a Difference

Positively Impact Mental Health & Wellness

mental health crisis in america
Strategies for success

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